Cover Reveal – Apocalypta Z

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This is the cover for my newest novel which will be releasing this Fall! The cover is by M Joseph Murphy. You can find his other work here.

This has been such a fun project writing about the zombie apocalypse…with a twist, of course! My thanks to my awesome beta readers, especially the awesome M Joseph Murphy, the fabulous Danielle DeVor and the wonderful Steven Ramirez. Writers all, so check out their work!



First – meteors.

Now – zombies.

Ninety-nine percent of humans and animals have become zombified, leaving the rest scrambling to survive. Maddie Worthing and Nick Stanton are among the few not infected. They’re gathering survivors and doing what they can to preserve life in their isolated desert town. Joined by the remaining townspeople and a few scientists, they search for a way to make it through the apocalypse.

The key to humanity’s continued existence may lie within the mystery surrounding Maddie’s puppy. But they need to survive the roving gangs, crazy scientists and troublemakers within their own ranks in order to discover it.

Not since World War Z have zombies been presented in such a unique light. Give Wilson some props, and her little dog too.” Danielle DeVor, Author of Sorrow’s Point

Coming soon to Amazon – Be sure to check back for the release date or follow me on Facebook or Twitter .