In the Spotlight – Katherine Lowry Logan



Katherine Lowry Logan


In the Spotlight

Today we welcome Katherine Lowery Logan. Katherine grew up in Louisville, Kentucky during the 1960s when sit-in’s and the Vietnam War were brought vividly to life on the CBS Evening News. While the country seemed to spin out of control, Katherine spun stories in her head.

After graduating from Rowan University in New Jersey where she earned a BA in Psychology and a minor in Criminal Justice, she attended the Philadelphia Institute for Paralegal Training. She returned to Central Kentucky where she worked as a real estate and tax paralegal.

Her muse simmered on the back burner until her two daughters went off to college. When she finally sat down to write full-time, life, as it often does, brought tragedy and a screeching halt to her writing. Her husband died unexpectedly. Healing was a slow process, but two weddings and five grandchildren have a way of putting life into perspective. Following the birth of her second grandchild, she found her writer’s voice again.

Katherine is a marathoner and avid reader. She lives in Lexington, Kentucky and is blessed with a wonderful and supportive family and circle of friends who have encouraged her and celebrated each and every step of her journey.

Read on for more about Katherine and The Last MacKlenna!

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