In the Spotlight – Jordan K. Rose


Today we’re changing it up a little and not only featuring Jordan K. Rose and her next book, but also her brand new blog, “Eva Prim’s Snack of the Week Blog.” Jordan is the author of the novel, Perpetual Light. Eva Prim is the heroine of Jordan’s new book, The Demon Mistress, due out in October, 2013. The blog is written from Eva’s point of view and features the friends Eva makes as she surfs the internet. Please join me as we learn a little more about all three!

About Jordan K. Rose

After trying her hand at many, many things- from crafting and art classes to cooking and sewing classes to running her own handbag business, Jordan finally figured out how to channel her creativity. With an active imagination and a little encouragement from her husband she sat down and began to write, each night clicking away at the keys with her black Labrador, Dino curled up under the desk.

A few short years later she’s entered the publishing arena with no plans to ever turn back.

Jordan’s a member of several RWA Chapters.

Read on for more about Jordan, her new blog and the book that inspires it.

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