Nerd Blast – Vengeance is Mine

Nerd Blast (1)


 Vengeance is Mine


Harry James Krebs


maersiteabouthebookVengeance is Mine

Vengeance is Mine by Harry James Krebs


Driven by a traumatic, violent event in his teenage years, Benjamin Tucker, bestselling true crime author, is obsessed with helping authorities solve savage crimes near his home turf of Holly Springs, North Carolina. When a series of decapitated female victims is found in neighboring communities, he is helplessly drawn in to the investigation to help bring the killer to justice. But in a bizarre twist of events, the psychopathic murderer becomes fascinated with Tucker and stalks him, presenting him with unimaginable, grotesque gifts. The hunt for the killer turns personal and Tucker isn’t sure if he’s become the killer’s idol or his next victim.

Vengeance is Mine, a gripping thriller with a healthy dose of droll humor, is a tale of sadistic revenge guaranteed to keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very last page.

Read on for more about Harry and for the Giveaway…

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In the Spotlight – Lillie J Roberts


Lillie J Roberts



It’s such a pleasure to have Lillie J Roberts stop by today. Always interesting, super nice and quite the talented author, you can count on Lillie to bring fun and variety to the party! And this time she even brought her her little dog, too! There’s just something special about a dog-lover. 🙂 Plus we share a lot of the same interests and that’s always fun to learn in an interview.


Lillie J Roberts

Lillie J. Roberts is a multi-published author who loves to read as much as she does to write. You can most often find her lost in her favorite genre, whether it be a hardback/paperback or an ebook (or maybe she’s writing one), especially on road trips. She writes Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy, Chillers/Thillers, Suspense from Modern Contemporary to New Adult and YA.

She lives in central Illinois with her husband, three children, one krazy kat, and a wild Westie (who is usually her reading partner. He also listens to all her new story ideas, almost always with a wicked sense of humor). She loves movies and listens to them while she writes, it doesn’t matter if they’re old or new, as long as they’re engaging. She loves all kinds of music, especially if it has a hard driving beat. You’ll find some on her favorite artists mentioned in the pages of her books.


Read on for more about Lillie and SoulFire!

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In the Spotlight – Norma Jeanne Karlsson

 Blackness Awaits Book Tour & Giveaway




Norma Jeanne Karlsson




Blackness Takes Over is Norma Jeanne’s debut novel. What began as an homage to the home town of a homesick Midwestern girl, unfolded a story of love, danger, humor, and trust. And now we have her sophomore effort in the series. We can’t wait to see what thrilling saga she leads us through next in Blackness Awaits!



Originally from Kansas City, Missouri, Norma Jeanne recently found herself relocating to the United Kingdom. Now living in Belfast, she took hold of the opportunity to kick the 9-5 job for a chance to become an author. The best part: working from her home office, she gets to spend more time with her cast of crazy characters (written and real).

In her free time Norma Jeanne is a voracious reader and consumes books as readily as meals. She is a people watcher by nature and uses her experiences in life, observed or otherwise, to build the worlds and characters that thrive in her books. A believer in the strength of the human spirit, Norma Jeanne writes the stories of people that persevere when all appears to be lost.

“Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” –Dylan Thomas


Read on for Norma Jeanne’s interview and to enter her giveaway!

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In the Spotlight – GS Jennsen



GS Jennsen



It’s a pleasure to welcome author GS Jennsen into the spotlight today. GS is a gamer and we actually belong to the same gaming guild. So getting to feature her on my blog is cool not only because she’s an awesome writer, but because she’s a guildmate, too!


When she was two years old, GS Jennsen informed her parents that she would be learning to read now. When she was four, she brought the dinner-table conversation to a screeching halt by inquiring as to what they knew about the nature of infinity.

The rest is history. A long, convoluted history that wound across the United States and back again—and back again—through a shocking variety of windowless libraries, windowless corporate boardrooms and windowless engineering labs.

She has been a corporate attorney, software developer, freelance editor and author (she finds she prefers the latter). She currently lives in Colorado with her husband and best friend (they’re the same person), who works as an electrical engineer, and their two furry, four-legged children.

There are many windows in her home, half of which look out on the Rocky Mountains.

Starshine is her first novel.


Read on for more about G.S. and Starshine!

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Happy Book Birthday – The Grave Winner

The Grave Winner

by Lindsey R. Loucks

1st Anniversary

A year ago Lindsey R. Loucks’ Young Adult Paranormal novel, The Grave Winner debuted. It was an exciting time because there were five of us in our group with brand new novels out. To celebrate the first year birthday for her novel, Lindsey is throwing a party. And some of her friends, including me, are giving away books to celebrate for the next few weeks!


Read on for more and for the Giveaway!

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in the Spotlight – Chad Ganske


Chad Ganske



Today, I’m happy to welcome the always fun Chad Ganske into the spotlight, with his fascinating debut novel, Idyllic Avenue.


Chad Ganske

Chad was born in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada in 1976, relocating with his family to the small harbor town of Sidney, British Columbia, on Vancouver Island in the late eighties. After graduating from high school in 1994 he enrolled in the University of Victoria but left after one semester to enter the workforce. He slogged through a variety of entry level jobs before finally publishing his first novel, Idyllic Avenue. He presently resides in Victoria, British Columbia, where he spends a great deal of time alternating between states of elation and frustration while watching the Edmonton Oilers of the National Hockey League.


Read on for Chad’s interview and more about his book!

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A to Z Challenge – Z is for Zone


A perfectly good word to end the month. It applies to so many different things. “In the zone” is where I am when I’m writing…also sometimes when I’m listening to music. So it’s a very focused state.

Other times I might be zoned out, as in my brain has overloaded and is no longer functional in any real sense.

Or it might be the area of a city, like a residential zone. That one’s a bit boring though.

Of course, there is always that famous and best one of all: The Twilight Zone. I adored that series and it had such an impact on me as a kid. Deliciously scary at times.

The list goes on and on and I’m not going to mention them all, but I think it’s great to end with this.

To those who have stuck with me for the month, thanks for reading!

Don’t forget to visit the rest of the cool blogs in the  A to Z Challenge.