A to Z Challenge: J is for Journey


Four years ago I reinvented myself as a writer. It was to be a crazy journey that led me into becoming an author and eventually opening my own publishing house, Ellysian Press, with my editor and friend, Jen Ryan. Of course, there are a lot of personal and professional reasons that led me to venture into such craziness, but the end result is what will matter.

When I started writing I had no clue what I was doing. I sent a few chapters to the author Tim Powers, who I’d known since I was in college. He graciously told me my work was publishable and to keep going. I followed that advice. After some hard work and a very steep learning curve, I found a home for my first book, Relics. Yay! I was an author! From there I self-published the rest of my series, with Book 3 coming out this summer.

I decided to use the knowledge I’d gained from my own forays into self-publishing to expand into a small press. That just opened last week and both Jen and I are super excited. We are already going through submissions. So far, so good! Keep your fingers crossed and I’ll keep you posted on how our journey progresses.


What will tomorrow’s word be? Come back for the letter “J” in the challenge.

Be sure to check out the rest of the cool blogs in the challenge!  A to Z Challenge.


A to Z Challlenge – I is for Imagination


Okay, so this was an obvious one, too. But let’s face it, our imaginations are the hearts and souls of our writing. They are what takes an author from some mundane event to an epic novel of suspense and intrigue. How many times have novels been inspired by something simple that an author took to fabulous and outrageous heights? Without that ability to see the possibilities – the could-have-beens and might-bes, we would be pretty boring people. But our imaginations allow us to soar into new and fascinating lives and worlds.

Something I tell my Theatre students is that their only limits are their own imaginations. I firmly believe that. So, don’t be afraid to step into the Light of Imagination. Take that extra step away from the norm and think out of the box. Let your own imagination guide you, whether it’s as simple as making up a nighttime tale to a child or writing that book you always wanted to write or painting that picture you see behind closed lids.

Let your imagination run wild!


What will tomorrow’s word be? Come back for the letter “I” in the challenge.

Be sure to check out the rest of the cool blogs in the challenge!  A to Z Challenge.

A to Z Challenge – H is for Heart


Okay, so this is another obvious one, but for me if a work, no matter what kind, does not engage the emotions or doesn’t touch someone in some way, then it fails as art. Every book, every play, movie, performance, sculpture and painting needs to have heart. It has to touch us in order to move from just another painting or book into what I consider art. This is probably on my mind because we were discussing this today in the Theatre class that I teach.

Even if it’s a negative emotion, even if someone hates the story or characters, the artist succeeds by virtue of eliciting that emotional response. That still doesn’t make the attempt great art. There are all sorts of levels of success within the emotional parameters. But this is my first question when I look at a sculpture: does it make me feel anything? And from there I can decide if I like it, don’t like it, etc.

Of course, art is always in the eye of the beholder, along with beauty. Or as that other cliche states: one man’s treasure is another man’s trash. But even if it’s trash, if it makes you feel something, then it could also be art.


What will tomorrow’s word be? Come back for the letter “I” in the challenge.

Be sure to check out the rest of the cool blogs in the challenge!  A to Z Challenge.

In the Spotlight – Paul Cude


Paul Cude



In Paul’s Own Words

As for me………I look after my two girls, and when they’re at school I’m a teaching assistant. I love playing hockey, and help coach kids, mine included. Other interests include reading, building computers, squash, cycling, great days out with my wonderful wife and kids, as well of course as WRITING! I’ve just published my second book in the series, called  Bentwhistle The Dragon in A Chilling Revelation.

Let’s find out more about Paul!

Read More

A to Z Challenge – G is for Genre-bending

G (2)

Because that’s what I do in my series! I love Fantasy and Sci Fi and a ton of other genres. Somehow, little bits of some of those other genres made it into my series.

I originally thought of The Thulukan Chronicles as my Urban Fantasy series.  After others read it, they mentioned some of the other genres to me. Of course, I already knew about the Paranormal aspect since I had ghosts in it. And I could understand Mystery because I had detectives, albeit paranormal ones. But Thriller? Sci Fi? Cozy?I hadn’t even realized I had those elements in there. At least not until someone pointed it out to me. Some of the things that happen in Portals, (Book 2) are very Sci Fi-ish, once I thought about it. So yeah, I can see Sci Fi and completely embrace it.

While it’s obvious to me now, I was so lost in the series when I was writing it, I didn’t realize all the different labels that could be applied to it. And I love that! It’s like getting surprise presents.

So, yay for genre-bending!


What will tomorrow’s word be? Come back for the letter “H” in the challenge.

Be sure to check out the rest of the cool blogs in the challenge!  A to Z Challenge.

A to Z Challenge – F is for Favorite!


Today was a little tougher to decide because, you see, there are all these fabulous words. I decided on “favorite” so I can share some of my own personal faves.

Favorite colors – Shades of purples and blue. Especially when the two are together. But you probably guessed that form my website, right?

Favorite music – Soundtracks, but I like almost every type. Of course, there are songs within those kinds that I can live without.

Favorite flowers – Gardenias and honeysuckle.

Favorite food – Ice cream, particularly chocolate, caramel and coffee. I also just love food in general, but I’ve been on an evil diet for a long time and most of my faves got cut. Oh, how I miss potatoes! I get a low carb ice cream, though so I still have that.

Favorite movies – Fantasy, sci fi, action, adventure…okay, so I really like a lot of different ones. What can I say? My tastes are very eclectic.

Favorite books – Way, way, too many on my list, but some of my top pics are A Song of Ice and Fire and the Harry Potter series.

Favorite authors – George R.R. Martin, JK Rowling and a zillion others.

Favorite animal – Dogs! Hey I don’t want to get bit, and I’m not entirely sure Chloe doesn’t get on the computer at night while I’m asleep. And who knows what she’d post.


What will tomorrow’s word be? Come back for the letter “G” in the challenge.

Be sure to check out the rest of the cool blogs in the challenge!  A to Z Challenge.

A to Z Challenge – E is for Ellysian Press


Welcome back to Day 5 of the A to Z Blog Challenge. So far, I’m having a blast doing this challenge because the letters have been super easy.

Ellysian Press is a new venture that my editor, Jen Ryan, and I have undertaken. Taking our inspiration form the ancient Greek Elysian Fields, we wanted to create a small publishing house to nurture talented authors. We’ve learned so much about what to do, and more importantly what NOT to do, in publishing as a small press over the last few years. Now we’re ready to share that knowledge with others and help them realize their dreams.

We’re accepting submissions for the following genres: Fantasy, Science Fiction, Paranormal, Paranormal Romance and Horror. You can find out more about Ellysian Press here.


What will tomorrow’s word be? Come back for the letter “F” in the challenge.

Be sure to check out the rest of the cool blogs in the challenge!  A to Z Challenge.