Cover Reveal – “Ghost Dancer”

Cover Reveal

I’m pleased to share the cover for the soon-to-be-released novelette, “Ghost Dancer.” The artwork is by Danielle DeVor and the text is by Ida Jannson. This is the third story in the novelette series.

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 “Ghost Dancer” A Thulukan Chronicles Story


Ten-year-old Danika Samms was going to be a dancer. She was even going to be on TV for a big national contest. Until a serial killer put an end to her dreams. Now her ghost has come to Thulu and La Fi to save her dog from the killer. La Fi is a medium and Thulu is a finder and together they find justice for the dead.

The detectives take the case, but they find more than a lost pup. They discover a heartbreaking secret and a seasoned killer already on the prowl for his next victim. And this time their walk on the darker side of the paranormal puts their own lives at risk.

“Ghost Dancer” is the third novelette from The Thulukan Chronicles.

“Ghost Dancer” will be available at Amazon.


Book Blast – Curse the Moon: Cold War Rising


Curse the Moon: Cold War Rising

curse the moon cover

His code-name is Atcho. He leads guerrilla fighters through the US-supported insurgency that rages at the Bay of Pigs in the early days of Fidel Castro’s Cuba. Captured and cast into the island’s worst dungeons, Atcho learns that a phantom-like officer of the Soviet KGB shadows him. Inexplicably released from incarceration and still dedicated to his country, he battles through the bowels of the Kremlin in Moscow, into the granite halls at West Point, and finally to highest levels in Washington, DC. Atcho’s rise opens doors into US National Defence even as the seemingly omniscient KGB officer holds unflinching sway over his actions. His public life clashes with secrets that only he and his tormentor share, isolating him in a world of intrigue among people whom he is determined not to betray – and then he finds that he is the trigger that could spark thermonuclear war. 



Read on for more about Lee and his new book!

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In the Spotlight – Katherine Lowry Logan



Katherine Lowry Logan


In the Spotlight

Today we welcome Katherine Lowery Logan. Katherine grew up in Louisville, Kentucky during the 1960s when sit-in’s and the Vietnam War were brought vividly to life on the CBS Evening News. While the country seemed to spin out of control, Katherine spun stories in her head.

After graduating from Rowan University in New Jersey where she earned a BA in Psychology and a minor in Criminal Justice, she attended the Philadelphia Institute for Paralegal Training. She returned to Central Kentucky where she worked as a real estate and tax paralegal.

Her muse simmered on the back burner until her two daughters went off to college. When she finally sat down to write full-time, life, as it often does, brought tragedy and a screeching halt to her writing. Her husband died unexpectedly. Healing was a slow process, but two weddings and five grandchildren have a way of putting life into perspective. Following the birth of her second grandchild, she found her writer’s voice again.

Katherine is a marathoner and avid reader. She lives in Lexington, Kentucky and is blessed with a wonderful and supportive family and circle of friends who have encouraged her and celebrated each and every step of her journey.

Read on for more about Katherine and The Last MacKlenna!

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Book Blast & Giveaway – Beginning Anew


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Beginning Anew Cover


Naomi and Chaz know that miracles really do happen for at a friend’s wedding they reaffirmed their love and are Beginning Anew!

Yet there are consequences that the couple must face. Will Chaz love and protect his wife? Will Naomi learn to trust Chaz?

Find out in the first novel of Paula Rose Michelson’s four-book saga The Naomi Chronicles.

Available at:




Read on for more about Paula and to enter the GIVEAWAY!

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In the Spotlight – Travis Luedke

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Travis Luedke



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Today’s guest is the talented and always fun Travis Luedke. Travis writes Young Adult Paranormal, but he’s also the author of the popular and steamy 18+ vampire novels, The Nightlife series. Today we find out more about this intriguing author and his work.


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Travis Luedke

Travis Luedke is a husband, father, and author of Urban Fantasy Thriller, Paranormal Romance, Contemporary Fantasy, Young Adult Fiction, and Sci-fi. He is currently catching a 3rd degree sunburn in San Antonio, Texas, and loving every minute of it.

As the author of the Nightlife Series novels, Travis lives very vicariously through his writings. He invites you to enjoy his macabre flights of fancy, but be warned: The Nightlife Series is violent, sexy, and occasionally violently sexy.

Read on for more about Travis and his newest novel.

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“Ghost Memory” is Free on Kindle & Nook!

 FREE on Kindle and Nook!

Ghost Memory Sm2Just a quick note to let you know that you can now download “Ghost Memory” for your Kindle at Amazon and also for your Nook at Barnes & Noble.




You can also get a FREE copy of “Unwanted Ghost” just by subscribing right here at my website! The subscribe section is at the top of the right-hand column.

 Happy Reading!

In the Spotlight – Anna Othitis

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Anna Othitis



Spotlight Blue


Anna Othitis is our guest today, with her My First Travel Book for children. It’s great way to introduce a child to travel around the world in a fun and educational way.


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Anna Othitis

Anna lived and was raised in the beautiful land and country of Zimbabwe, Africa (home will always be home). She relocated to Wanaque, New Jersey, USA, where her younger son Frankie took up his “American Dream”. The title of her book, My First Travel Book was inspired by Frankie (Captain Frankie).  Anna’s favorite saying is “Be Bold Be Brave”. Her dream is to be given the opportunity for her book to reach each and every less fortunate child who will have the opportunity to fantasy travels from the comfort of their homes and see world destinations. She hopes to one day to give back and assist the needy in Africa and beyond, to keep giving care and love to the less fortunate. Whilst in Zimbabwe she was involved with many charitable organizations and groups where her greatest passion and love was with the primitive, simple people of Zimbabwe, Africa and will still continue to reach out to the many beautiful children of the world. 

Read on for Anna’s interview and more about her book…

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