Blogs, Prizes & Summer Fun!
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I love early summer in the high desert. Before the triple digit weather hits and when it’s merely hot, not yet broiling. It’s a time to put the top down on the car more often and listen to oldies like the Beach Boys. A time to put away the hot cocoa, sipped in front of the fireplace and pull out the margaritas and mint juleps.
Summer means taking my poodle, Chloe, for morning walks, which aren’t as beneficial as I might like because she likes to stop and investigate – a lot. Tréa, the chihuahua, is getting to the age where she tires out and can’t make it very far. Her idea of walks means I pick her up and carry her. So she stays home more often than not.
Sometimes I ride my bike, although I admit I’m not getting that done as often as I’d like. Other times, I might go hiking, but again not often enough.
As the temps rise into those triple digits that means more visits to my brother’s house in Las Vegas, where lazy weekends are spent around or in the pool. Hanging out with my extended family and talking about everything and nothing. Sipping on whatever our drink of choice is that weekend.
At the pool, my brother’s chihuahua, Toby, can be seen carefully measuring the distance between the pool’s edge and the nearest raft before taking a leap onto someone’s stomach. He never misses either and enjoys floating from one end of the pool to the other.
Chloe can sometimes be coaxed into the water, but she doesn’t love it quite as much as I thought she might. Poodles are hunting dogs, specifically water fowl and I thought she’d love the water, but it’s more tolerance than love on her part. Of course, if you even mention going into the pool to Tréa, you can count on her to escape into the house and under a bed.

Chloe is ready to go!
As you can tell, the dogs are a big part of my life. They travel very well, secure in their car seats, which makes it so much easier to just toss them into the car and go.
But summer isn’t all lounging outside or by the pool. It’s a great time to get some writing done, too. All the days I hide out from the heat, keeping cool inside. I’ve written both of my books over summer and I’m working on my third book in my series, The Thulukan Chronicles.
This summer promises to be as fabulous as the rest and one I can enjoy. You’ll find me by the pool with a margarita.
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Grand Prize: A Kindle Paperwhite & some of our eBooks to read on it!
1st Prize: A $20 Amazon gift card, and a Swag Pack that contains paperbacks, more eBooks, bookmarks, cover flats, magnets, pens, and more!
Drop by the blogs below between June 14 & 17 and enter at each stop! Just leave a comment and enter the Rafflecopter!
Shawna Romkey Author Blog
Constance Phillips, A Writer’s Musings
Katie O’Sullivan
Summer Lovin’ – On Olympus…
Kate’s Blog
Kary Rader
Lindsey R. Loucks
Summer Lovin’, postcards, and maybe bookmarks
Jody A Kessler Summer Lovin’ Mountain Style
Author Jean Murray ~ Wicked Romance Blog
Summer Lovin’ Heat
Hildie McQueen’s Author Site
Loni Lynne’s Blog Site
Author Avery Olive Blog
Wendy S. Russo
Cindy Young-Turner
Michelle Clay – The Darkside of Romance
The Marvelous Misadventures of Mrs. T
Shannon Eckrich