I’m in the process of updating the website. In the meantime, please bear with any changes or issues. Thanks!
I’m in the process of updating the website. In the meantime, please bear with any changes or issues. Thanks!
Today, it’s exciting to welcome the gifted writer, Cindy Young-Turner, to “In the Spotlight”. Her debut novel, Thief of Hope, is a tightly written, fast-paced read, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I pretty much blew through it, turning pages on my Kindle as quickly as I could. The characters were fun and I loved her heroine, Sydney.
Cindy Young-Turner has always been an avid reader and became fascinated by mythology and Arthurian legends at an early age. She quickly decided she enjoyed creating her own worlds and characters and set to work writing her own stories.
She believes genre fiction can be just as well written and valuable as literature. The universal themes of love, hate, revenge, and redemption are present regardless of whether the characters live in the distant future, on other planets, or in fantastical realms.
Read more about her at
More on Cindy and Thief of Hope…
One of my “pet” peeves is seeing someone in the car with their precious little dog in one arm or the pet standing on the driver’s lap looking out the window. My first thought, even before “What a cute dog”, is “If she gets in an accident that cute little dog could be killed!” I doubt very seriously the little ones ten pounds and under would survive if the air bag deploys. At best they would be hurt in some way by the airbag hitting them.
So I did some research trying to find out how many animals were injured in accidents because the pet wasn’t restrained. I found some astounding information. It turns out that there are thousands of accidents each year that are caused by unrestrained animals. The exact numbers are not known because these are put in with other internal distractions. In the case of pets, the driver gets distracted because the pet gets sick or the pet gets in the way or something else that takes their attention off the road.
The fabulous Jody A. Kessler and Shawna Romkey both nominated me for this award! How cool is that?
For those nominated below:
~Display the award logo on your blog.
~Link back to the person who nominated you.
~State 7 things about yourself.
~Nominate 15 bloggers for this award and link to them.
~Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.
I’m so very pleased to announce my release date for RELICS is May 1, 2013 by Crescent Moon Press. May Day sounds like an awesome date to release. I’m quite excited and starting to get busier and busier with Books 2 and 3. I’m sure the days will fly by.
It gives me great pleasure to have Wendy S. Russo stop by as the first guest on my newly-created column “In the Spotlight”.
Wendy has been writing since sixth grade and currently lives in Baton Rouge, LA. She’s a wife, a mom, a Tiger, a Who Dat, and she falls asleep on her couch at 8:30 on weeknights.
Wendy’s debut novel, January Black, has been released by Crescent Moon Press and I had a chance to chat with Wendy recently.
Oh, and we have an Easter Egg hidden somewhere in this post. All you have to do is:
1. Find the hidden link and click it
2. Use the password “matty”
3. Comment on that page.
A random winner will be drawn from those who comment and receive a free signed copy of JANUARY BLACK!
Read on for more…
My new literary podcast has launched! Please join Carla Clifton and me as we chat with our first guest, fantasy writer, Tim Powers. You can catch the first episode over on MythBehaving.