A to Z Challenge – H is for Heart


Okay, so this is another obvious one, but for me if a work, no matter what kind, does not engage the emotions or doesn’t touch someone in some way, then it fails as art. Every book, every play, movie, performance, sculpture and painting needs to have heart. It has to touch us in order to move from just another painting or book into what I consider art. This is probably on my mind because we were discussing this today in the Theatre class that I teach.

Even if it’s a negative emotion, even if someone hates the story or characters, the artist succeeds by virtue of eliciting that emotional response. That still doesn’t make the attempt great art. There are all sorts of levels of success within the emotional parameters. But this is my first question when I look at a sculpture: does it make me feel anything? And from there I can decide if I like it, don’t like it, etc.

Of course, art is always in the eye of the beholder, along with beauty. Or as that other cliche states: one man’s treasure is another man’s trash. But even if it’s trash, if it makes you feel something, then it could also be art.


What will tomorrow’s word be? Come back for the letter “I” in the challenge.

Be sure to check out the rest of the cool blogs in the challenge!  A to Z Challenge.