The talented author, Louann Carroll, has tagged me in a blog challenge. Louann writes in several genres: sci fi, paranormal and children’s books. You can find Louann’s work at her Amazon Author Page.
Now here are my Q&As!
What am I working on?
I’m waiting on the edits from my fabulous editor, Jen Ryan, for Book 3, Magics, in my series, The Thulukan Chronicles. Meantime, I’m writing a Biography/Memoir on the years I was friends with author Philip K. Dick, the last ten years of his life.
I’m also working on a new sci fi series set a couple hundred years in the future. Set during a time when violent crime is rare, it’s about a woman who is a Truthsayer, called upon to go off-world to solve a rare murder.
How does my writing differ from others of its genre?
As far as The Thulukan Chronicles goes, it’s a little warmer than most Urban Fantasy novels. My heroine is happily married. The couple faces some very tough cases to solve for others, but at the end of the day, they have a large and loving family for support.
Also I love apocalyptic novels, but I always want to know how they got there. That’s usually only a small portion of the story – if it’s explained at all. In this series, we see the entire process – from an Earth as we know it to the first glimmerings of magic returning to Earth and finally to the chaotic repercussions when magic is the norm and those without magic are a minority.
Why do I write what I do?
My first series is genre-bending Urban Fantasy / Science Fiction / Paranormal Mystery. I adore these genres, so it was natural to write something that blends them. I love creating “what ifs” and seeing where the characters take me.
Of course, the Bio/Memoir will be non-fiction, which is a departure for me. That one is taking a lot more work.
I have several other projects in various stages of completion…all fantasy or sci fi.
How does my writing process work?
I’m quite organic in my process. The characters come first for me. It’s all about who they are as people – what makes them tick. I put them in a situation and let them take me on their journey. I sometimes will keep a list like a timeline, but I do not outline. Too often my characters surprise me, so I like the freedom to let them go where they will.
I haven’t even outlined the Bio/Memoir, although I probably should. For that one, I’m going back to the 1970s. The overall events are very clear, but there are little details I’ve forgotten over the years. To help with that I’m immersing myself in the time as much as I can: playing the music I listened to back then, looking at pictures from the time and even burning strawberry incense.
Time to tag my three authors, in case they care to play:
Danielle DeVor – Website
Christoph Fischer – Blog
Kary Rader – Website