
It’s always awesome to chat with the wonderful Louann Carroll, so having her on today is extra special! She’s a warm and generous friend, loads of fun and a terrific writer. Let’s find out more about Louann!

About Louann Carroll

Louann is a Native Californian living in the Sierra Nevada foothills with her husband, Dennis.

Mother to three children, she is an avid rock, fossil, and gem hunter who enjoys sharing her finds with family and friends. She is a student of alternative religion, archaeology, anthropology, and paleontology.

After leaving her position as C.E.O. in the Bay Area, she has pursued her writing career with much success. Winner of the 2010 Crescent Moon Press award for best novel, she enjoys the new twists and turns her career has taken.

She is the author of Gemini Rising, a sci-fi romance, A Shadow of Time, a paranormal romance, Journeys, The Adventure of Leaf, and numerous children’s stories.

Read on for more about Louann and A Shadow of Time!

 About A Shadow of Time


Kellyn O’Brien strives to create the perfect family. Then, disaster strikes. Her husband is dead. Three weeks later, she discovers her son is heir to Shadow Ley, a nineteenth century estate nestled in the Sierra Nevada foothills.

Reeling from Michael’s death, Kellyn moves to Shadow Ley. Soon, the ordinary becomes the extraordinary: broken drinking glasses repair themselves, stair rails that were once old are now new, and suddenly the estate of Shadow Ley is not what it seems.

She turns to the local historian and learns of Sha’ na ho bet, the angry fire god, bound forever to Earth. Native Americans tell her about Coyote, the Trickster who creates chaos out of order. Then the dreams begin with windows into past lives, hints of multidimensionality, and the promise of life beyond death.

Legends abound and so Shadow Ley, the home Kellyn had hoped would bring peace to herself and her children, becomes mired first in doubt, then in terror, and finally in love eternal.

 Now let’s shine the spotlight on Louann!

Maer:  Thanks for joining us today, Louann. Where did the inspiration for your book come from?

Louann:  For A Shadow of Time, it came from a moss-lined driveway into a tumbled down estate in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. My husband and I were meandering down old country roads in the foothills, just taking our time gazing at the scenery, when all of a sudden I yelled, “Pull over!”

To my side, lined like soldiers, were massive oaks and pine trees guarding an abandoned road that led to a forgotten estate. River rock supported the mansion’s frame, the wood boards, worn and decaying, fell into a dusty heap. The estate was perfect for A Shadow of Time, a story that popped immediately into mind.

Maer:  Wow, now that’s what I can cool inspiration! That’s a great story. Could you please give us a one-line synopsis for your book?

Louann:  Multiple dimensions collide, threatening to destroy Kellyn O’Brien and John Aldridge, two souls destined to be together, forever.   

Maer:  I thoroughly enjoyed A Shadow of Time. Such a very cool book! Now, is this a stand-alone or can we look forward to more?

Louann:  Originally, it was a stand-alone. Now I’m thinking it may become a series or maybe just some Little Moons. I’d like to delve into a few unanswered questions and there are characters who deserve a life of their own.

Maer:  Yay, I’ll be looking forward to it! Which character other than Kellyn is one of your favorites to write and why?

Louann:  I really like Leanore. She is a psychic who has experienced multiple dimensions all her life. She could branch off and start an entire series herself however she is the MC of my Little Moon, “Shadowlands.”  

Maer:  She is a fascinating character, indeed. If you had to pick a color to describe Kellyn what would that be and why?

Louann:  Lavender. I love the fragrance and the color. Kellyn is old world enough to be Lavender, and the estate she has inherited, Shadow Ley, has vines of sweet smelling trumpet vine draping over the entryway.

Maer:  Very cool choice. Turning now to reading, who are your favorite authors?

Louann:  Stephen King, Dean Koontz, John Saul, Simon Toyne, and Kathleen Woodiwiss are some of my favorites. Toyne is writing the Sanctus series and I was lucky enough to receive ARCs of his first two books before they debuted. He has talent and I am his number one fan.  

Maer:  Some of my own faves are on that list. Can you share a bit about your current project?

Louann:  Aside from “Shadowlands”, the second book in the Gemini series, The Light and the Flame, is currently in editing. I am concurrently working on the last book in the series, which I haven’t titled yet. The characters turned out to be a little more sensual than I’d anticipated, which really surprised, um, shocked me, would be more accurate. I’m a write by your pantster, so I never know what’s coming.

Maer:  So, Louann, what do you do when you’re not writing?

Louann:  Hanging with my husband is my favorite thing to do. We were married so young that just being by ourselves is enough. After that, you can find me playing with the grandkids, gaming, boating, fishing, swimming, and/or sleeping. Yep, that just about covers it.

Maer:  Sounds like you are one busy lady. What influenced you to write in your genre? Do you write in others?

Louann:  Paranormal is the only place I can use theoretical physics. However, with new discoveries made each day, it won’t be long before it crosses over into literature. Well, I can hope, can’t I?

A Shadow of Time is a bit more horror than paranormal. In addition, I have a crime series I am planning on writing that will not be paranormal. The working title is Flatfoot. It will be awhile before I get there.

Maer:  What music, if any, do you like to listen to while writing?

Louann:  Shhhhhh It doesn’t have to be perfectly silent, but quiet.

Maer:  Louann, thanks so much for taking the time to visit us today. It’s always a pleasure to chat with you. Do you have anything you’d like to add?

Louann:  Thanks for having me on today! I really appreciate it. And your book, Relics, really rocks. It was so much fun to read!  

Maer:  Thank you! It’s so very kind of you to say that.

You can get A Shadow of Time at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

And you can follow Louann and stay up on her latest news at these links:

Louann’s Website

Louann on Twitter

Louann’s Facebook Author Page

Louann’s Amazon Author Profile


About the Author

Maer Wilson ()


5 Replies to “In the Spotlight – Louann Carroll”

  1. Hi Louann and Maer! Excellent interview, and I love Lavender too, both the color and the fragrance, it’s old world, but in a good way!

    Btw, A Shadow of Time was super read, held me until the last turn of the page (or swipe of the screen)! Louann writes an awesome tale of a character coming into her own, with enough of the chiller to keep me on the edge of my seat!

    Thanks Ladies!

    Dottie 🙂

  2. Well, hello! I feel like such a flake. I had everything set up to go today and lost Internet until just a few minutes ago. They banned Facebook at work so I couldn’t do anything there and then no Internetl. I almost pulled out all my hair. Let’s pray THAT never happens again.

    Thank you, Maer. Your blog is wonderful and you did a great job. I really appreciate it.

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