
Danielle DeVor has been writing like crazy and has three novels set for release in 2013. Constructing Marcus is her second novel for the year. Please join me in finding out more about Danielle’s new book.

About Danielle DeVor

Danielle DeVor spent her early years fantasizing about vampires and watching “Salem’s Lot” way too many times. After living briefly in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, she moved back to her hometown to write. When not writing and reading about weird things, you will find her hanging out at the nearest coffee shop, enjoying a mocha frappuccino.

Read on for more about Danielle’s new book!

About Constructing Marcus

Large Base Consstructing Marcus Working copy

Sixteen-year-old ghost hunter, Emma Hoffman thought that moving into an old Victorian was going to be awesome– ghosts galore.

Much to her delight, she discovers that the house is haunted—not by a ghost, but by a construct (a spirit created to be a servant). As she gets to know Marcus, the construct, he asks her to help him avenge his maker and find her killer. Emma’s not too sure this is a good idea, she’s a ghost hunter after all, not a detective, but she agrees to help him anyway.

While trying to discover more information about the killer, Emma begins to have feelings for Marcus- feelings she isn’t ready to admit. Then the sorcerer who killed Marcus’s maker shows up at Emma’s house with an insane plan to capture Marcus and absorb his power- Emma isn’t having it. Marcus is hers.

When the killer performs a spell that begins to steal Marcus’s life force, Emma risks losing him. It’s a race against time for Emma to figure out how to stop the sorcerer and his spell before Marcus fades away and disappears from her life forever.

 Now let’s shine the spotlight on Danielle!

Maer:  Thanks for joining us to tell us about your new book, Danielle. What is the funniest or oddest thing that has happened to you as an author?

Danielle:  So far, it has to be random words that family members find in dictionaries, then call to tell me about them so I can use them in my next book.

Maer:  🙂 That’s a good one. Do you use beta readers and, if so, what qualities do you look for in a beta?

Danielle:  I use betas all the time. I look for people who will give me honest criticism as well as those who can help with plot issues. I have a roughly revolving group of five that helps on various things. What one beta doesn’t catch, someone else usually does.

Maer:  What is a one line synopsis for your new book?

Danielle:  Emma Hoffman, sixteen-year-old-ghost-hunter, must fight an evil sorcerer for the life of the man she loves- too bad he’s not exactly human.

Maer:  Sounds intriguing. Is this a stand-alone or part of a series?

Danielle:  Right now, this is a stand-alone.

Maer:  Emma is actually your main character, but which other character is one of your favorites to write and why?

Danielle:  Marcus is an interesting guy. He is real, but not and must figure out how to keep himself together.

Maer:  Hmmm…he does sound interesting! If you had to pick a color to describe Emma what would that be and why?

Danielle:  Emma, though she is not a girly-girl at all, comes off to me as lavender. She is a lot sweeter than she seems.

Maer:  Danielle: What is your idea of the perfect place and time to write?

Danielle:  I would love a library like is described in Constructing Marcus. A room full of wooden bookcases with windows that look out over the garden of a house. Right now though, I would settle for a quiet place without interruptions. LOL.

Maer:  Yes, a library would be lovely. Are you a planner, with lots of outlines and notes, or a pantser, letting your novel take you where it will?

Danielle:  I am a total pantser. If I try to plan it all out, the story ends up stilted.

Maer:  How would you describe your path to getting published?

Danielle:  I first started out the standard way, trying to get a literary agent. Because my first book was a vampire book, I had no takers. Then, I started looking at small presses and within a few months, sold my first book to Eirelander Publishing.

Maer:  I love the small press route! Danielle, thanks so much for a fun interview. Do you have anything you’d like to add?

Danielle:  Thanks for having me on the blog!


You can find Constructing Marcus at Amazon.

To follow Danielle, please find her at the following links:

Danielle on Twitter

Danielle on Facebook

Danielle on Goodreads



About the Author

Maer Wilson ()

Website: http://maerwilson.com

3 Replies to “In the Spotlight – Danielle DeVor”

  1. Great interview! Seconding the library. 🙂 Still dreaming about that library from Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. Love Marcus too and can’t wait to read more about him.

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