author picToday’s spotlight is on Russian author, Janna Yeshanova, with her new book, Love is Never Past Tense. Part memoir, part romance novel, her book gives us a unique perspective of her life. And in celebration of the release she is having a Giveaway, so be sure to read to the end!

About Janna Yeshanova

Originally from the former Soviet Union, Janna Yeshanova escaped to the United States when persecution became violent during the crumbling of the Soviet state. Arriving in the United States with her mother and daughter in tow, $126 in her pocket, and knowing not a soul, Janna’s talent and experiences have helped her become a high-end organizational training and development professional. Her exodus story is included in the book. Founder and principal of Life-Spark, LLC, Janna is a dynamic and powerful life coach, premier trainer and motivational speaker. She leverages her passion and engaging style to help others overcome adversity and spark the possibilities of their lives.

Read on for more about Janna and her new book!

 About Love is Never Past Tense


A couple’s quick romance and hasty marriage is torn apart by family and fate, leaving them to face the collapse of the Soviet Union separately. Years later, old memories are stirred to give their love a second chance.

Serge and Janna’s chance meeting at a Black Sea beach sparks a passionate romance and a quick marriage. Serge’s parents, suspicious of Janna’s motives and heritage, force him to break up with her. As the Soviet Union collapses, revealing ethnic and social pressures, each faces danger separately. Serge drowns in self doubt, his life spiraling down and in. Janna plots a dangerous exodus to America with her mother and daughter. Years pass, stirring old emotions, and changing circumstances give their love a second chance. Janna Yeshanova tells a life story, providing a very personal view of political and social change.

A remarkable second chance romance told with amazing realism in the style of a classic Russian novel.

 Now let’s shine the spotlight on Janna!

Maer:  Thanks for joining us to tell us about your new book, Janna. Where did the inspiration for your book come from?

Janna:  The inspiration, Maer, came from life.  Everybody has a story.  Everybody has a book they could write.  This is mine….

Maer:  And it sounds fascinating. What is a one line synopsis for your book?

Janna:  “How could he possibly know that she, a complete stranger will inexplicably affect his life and be with him forever whether she was at his side or not?”

Maer:  Is this a stand-alone or part of a series?

Janna:  I am about to publish another part. It’s ready to go.  Still thinking…

Maer:  If you had to pick a color to describe Janna what would that be and why?

Janna:  Blue-green : lots of love to the sea, lots of love to nature…

Maer:  Which character other than Janna is one of your favorites to write and why?

Janna:  Boris! Both in the book and real life.

Maer:  Who are your favorite authors to read?

Janna:  This list changes all the time. Recently, I could not take my eyes of the pages of Haruki Murakami.  Right now, I am back to Mikhail Bulgakov. Hemingway is such a big influence that he is mentioned in the book.

Maer:  Yes, mine changes, too, from time to time. Janna, can you share a bit about your current project?

Janna:  I’m currently working on a seminar I will present on Listening Skills. In regards to writing: I have more pieces to the story, and I am deciding if should publish them separately as stories that are related to each other or as a sequel book.

Maer:  So, what do you do when you’re not writing?

Janna:  I’m a life coach and a leadership trainer. This is my primary occupation. If you are asking me about family and friends, it’s my best time. Reading, knitting, swimming, tennis, hiking and sure, travelling + much more…

Maer:  What influenced you to write in your genre? Do you write in others?

Janna:  The novel just happened to be the genre for this story. I am writing blog articles not as often as I should, that are also like short stories themselves.

Maer:  What music, if any, do you like to listen to while writing?

Janna:  Pink Floyd, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, The Beatles, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Fastball – The Way, Ricky Martin – Livin- La Vida -Loca (are you surprised? It lifts me up big time!)  Andrew Lloyd Webber ,Toto Cutugno plus much more 🙂

Maer:  What a wonderfully eclectic list! You have some of my own faves in there. Janna, thanks so much for stopping by today. Do you have anything you’d like to add?

Janna:  Hmm…  2 + 2… 🙂 just kidding 🙂

On a more serious note… I wish everybody  lots of Love in your heart and around you, achieving your dreams and never giving up! 🙂  When you love, everything around you becomes beautiful.

Maer: Thanks, Janna. Heartfelt words, indeed.


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Janna’s Rafflecopter Giveaway

The lucky winners in this giveaway have a chance to win one of the following:

1 – $25 Amazon Gift card

3 – Signed copies of Love is Never Past Tense

5 – eBook versions of Love is Never Past Tense


You can find Love Is Never Past Tense… at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.


Want to find out more about Janna? Check out the following links:

Janna’s Life-Spark Website

Website for Love is Never Past Tense… 

About the Author

Maer Wilson ()


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